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queen of
the burrow

Developed for student exhibition The Hole Museum,
Workshop led by Bruno Baietto & Lucas Maassen,

Aluminium Sand Casting Sculpture

Year: 2022

Burrowed, drilling the sound of doubt outside my mind,
my body has no space for you.
Burrowed, drilling the impulse of destruction deep in earth,
my hands have done enough.
Burrowed, drilling the comfort of pessimism,
doesn’t it feel warm like home?
Under the ground,
living the queen life, tentacles out.
she claws her way out
to cause

‘queen of the burrows’ is an exploration of negative space and negative thinking visualised through aluminium casting. In a workshop led by Bruno Baietto and Lucas Maasen, we understand the depths of unseen volume and the form of unexpressed.

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